Monday, 27 June 2011

30 Days - The List Goes On

Day 2 - Your Least Favourite Song.

A little easier perhaps? Everyone must really hate one song - and I am no exception. Try as I might, I can't like every song ever written. It just isn't possible. But the songs I really don't like, I really don't like for a variety of reasons.

Song that irritates me the most. Song numero uno on the top 5 least favourite songs.

Hey Mickey - Toni Basil

A song that makes me feel crap, by reminding me of things I don't necessarily want to be reminded of.

I Hate To Say I Told You So - The Hives

Other songs that just get my goat up;

Because Mick Hucknall scares me: Fairground - Simply Red

Because it's been overplayed (damn you Glee!): Don't Stop Believing - Journey

Because it steals almost its entire sound from Calvin Harris: Yeah 3x - Chris Brown

I'm off to thinking of songs that make me happy. It's going to be tough to narrow down that list!

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