Monday, 13 June 2011

30 Day song challenge (or why I think lists suck)

There's this thing blowing around Facebook and Tumblr at the moment. The 30 day song challenge. A different song a day to fit in to a different category. Similar to the 30 day movie challenge that I previously attempted (and failed miserably at).

The problem I have with these lists is that they always try to include the question 'What is your favourite (song/movie/band - delete as applicable). How can you ever define your favourite?

Perhaps it's just me, maybe I'm fickle. There are so many factors in choosing a favourite of anything and it changes from day to day. If I'm in a good mood then I want to listen to ska or watch Disney animations. If I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself it's all singer songwriters and indie films. Some days you just want to lay on the sofa and have a Come Dine With Me marathon.

I've tried a few times to make these lists but every time things change. Maybe I should do 5 options for each selection. The 150 film/song challenge.

I still think I would struggle.

Let's give it a go....

Day 1 - Your Favourite Song
(in no particular order)

* Elvis Costello - Alison
* The Pixies - Here Comes Your Man
* Alkaline Trio - Clavicle
* Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun
*Brand New - Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades

These are just my favourite songs today. Tomorrow they might be something different entirely.

All I'm asking is that, occasionally, people ask for 5 or 10 instead of requesting a specific favourite. Sometimes it just isn't possible!

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