Sunday, 30 January 2011

Getting Started

The only thing holding me back is myself. I'm fully aware of this, yet every time I start to write I'm very quick to delete it and move on. I seem to have a phobia of getting started. I have 100s of ideas in my head of what I want to write about, I have a notebook full of scribbled ideas for characters, plot lines, ideologies, full sentences waiting to be slotted in to my story however I just can't get myself to get them down on paper (electronic or old fashioned!)

I'm thinking about taking an evening class in creative writing, somewhere that can help me develop my ideas, form sensible sentences and maybe, one day, finish a piece of writing.

2011 is the year of change so why don't I stop being a scaredy cat and commit to my writing, perhaps even show it to someone. Finished or otherwise.

I'll let you know how successful I am.


I shouldn't be allowed to tidy things up. Instead of deleting the gazillion drafts of blog posts that never got published, I managed to delete everything I had ever posted in this blog.

Oh well, new year new start and all that jazz.